Get ready to be stronger and more flexible with your workout plan

Stephen Cairns, a 67-year-old Bracebridge athlete who recently competed in his first world championship triathlon, does a portion of his training at Hive Muskoka. Although gym owner Fyonna Vanderwerf says Cairns accomplished his goals through his own dedication and work, she was able to provide some tips for people wanting to up their fitness goals.
1. Have a good plan: A plan should have a beginning, middle and end with places to check in and adapt if need be.
2. Strong and bendy: A good plan should have a good strength component as well as a good flexibility component.
3. Heed John Lennon’s advice: Be prepared for any changes that may occur.
“As John Lennon said, ‘Life is what happens when we’re making other plans.’”
4. START: Smart goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely.
Whether you are gearing up to be stronger or more limber, be specific. For example, say to yourself: ‘I want to be stronger by being able to do 15 pushups by Aug. 1 by training twice a week outside in the park and doing a class once a week.’
“That kind of goal really has substance and has an opportunity to succeed,” said Vanderwerf. “When we’re vague it just doesn’t give us what we need.”
5. Putting a plan in action: “Actions prove who someone is. Words just prove who they want to be,” she said.
Read the article on Muskoka Examiner